Tasmania,island state of Australia. Alan Fletcher's occasional blog about the enjoyment of birding in Tasmania.If your interest is images, visit my pbase site (see "links"). All images are copyright owned by their authors. If you wish to use any, please ask E-mail: tassiebirds@iinet.net.au
Friday, March 31, 2006
Spotless Crake Spotted

Thursday, March 30, 2006
It Must be Autumn

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

It sat in the tree and called repeatedly, with no result, and seemed to get quite agitated, before it too flew off, in the opposite direction to the rest of the flock.

Monday, March 27, 2006
Tasmania's 'Hummingbird'

Sunday, March 26, 2006
A Young One

Saturday, March 25, 2006
Tasmania's Own 'Rosehill" Parrot

This image, by chance, shows both male (upper) and female adult birds in juxtaposition, and enables comparisons of plumage etc.. I was quite struck by the differences, both in 'bulk' and in bill size. I guess we don't often get the chance to see them like this, and usually just make a mental note, 'Green Rosellas', as they noisily disappear from view!
Friday, March 24, 2006

Anyway, today we walked from Fortescue Bay to Cape Huay, on the Tasman Peninsula. The whole area had recently been burnt--last year I think, so bush birds were pretty unrewarding, except for three Flame Robins. However, when we got to the Cape, there was a "pod" (flock? mob?) of seals feeding off Mitre Rock, accompanied by assorted Gannets, Cormorants, Gulls and Terns. Also, to our excitement, we were able to identify a number (perhaps 15-20) Shy Albatross among them. These are supposed to be very common, especially around the Hippolytes, but they were the first Albatross-of any variety-either of us had ever seen. Certainly not a GOOD look, at them, but identifiable, and very exciting for both of us, just the same.
The photo shows Mitre Rock and the Candlestick in the foreground, and the Hippolyte Rock beyond. At this stage, the seals and the birds had gone behind Mitre rock.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
My Reward

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Measure of Success

I must say that the continued increase in the number of Kelp Gulls causes me some concern and needs investigation, as I believe they constitute a threat to some of the areas in Southern Tasmania set aside as reserves for waders, both indigenous and migratory. They are breeding in sensitive areas such as Orielton Lagoon and the South Arm Neck, and their presence in coastal areas has an inhibiting affect on the use of those areas by waders. In the case of Orielton Lagoon, the gulls have occupied something like 40% of the land area at the Northern end, and this is a no-go area for

Monday, March 20, 2006
Aberrant Oystercatchers

Felix Wilson sent in these 2 pix of aberrant Sooty Oystercatchers. He photographed them a couple of weeks ago at South Arm. If you click on and enlarge them you will see one has a curved bill and the other has a number of white feathers among the otherwise black plumage. He poses the questions, are the white feathers a result of interbreeding of Pied with a Sooty or just a genetic mutation? And what would cause the downcurving as pictured? He adds that Priscilla Park has a photo. of an oddly plumaged Pied Oystercatcher. Has anyone else seen any to add to the list?
Sunday, March 19, 2006
'Aggro' Heron
It's not only Wedgetails that can act aggressively to one another. While down at Marion Bay
recently, I became aware of the sound of a heron calling "aggressively"--if that makes sense! Shortly after, I found the source, a couple of White-faced Herons playing chase. The chaser seemed pretty agitated, but I've no idea what caused it. They were surprisingly agile for 2 slow flying birds, not usually known for their aerial skills. I lost interest as they disappeared into the distance and I swapped my interest to a flock of Bartails. A few minutes later, the heron pictured here, landed very close by and stayed long enough for me to take several shots. I was surprised by its' landing so close, but wondered later, whether it was the bird being chased and I was some sort of safe haven.

Thursday, March 16, 2006
A Wedgetail Question

For the Labour Day Holiday, we visited Bruny Island, and between leaving the ferry, and coming to the Barnes Bay turnoff, we noticed three Wedgetails. We assumed these to be a family group, but were surprised when we stopped for a closer look, to see quite an aggressive display going on. They were all swooping and diving at one another, and calling excitedly as they did so. Unfortunately, it was all too suddenly over, as the three swooped low over the trees heading away from us, and were gone. Not even time to grab my camera (I cheated with the pic--it's of eagles in Central Australia a couple of years ago). Could this display have been Mum and Dad giving "Junior" his marching orders?
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
New Arrivals?
Noted 5 Little Egrets at Marion Bay this morning. Couldn't get within "shooting" distance, so no pix. Two were sporting the long head plumes of breeding plumage, so I suspect they are most likely new arrivals, although I'm aware that some spend Summer here. 40+ Sulphur-crested Cockatoo near Marion Bay turn off. On or near Marion Bay Spit-- 12 Hooded Plover (5ad. and 7 Juv.), 36 Bar-tailed Godwit, 14 Pelican, c150 Red-necked Stint, c5 Double-banded Plover.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Made It!
John & Shirley Tongue write : The activity of White-throated Needletails, a species we haven't observed often, is generally associated with the approach of storm fronts. It's assumed they're attracted by the insects stirred up by rising air currents connected with the approaching front. An experience we had on Monday, indicates that this isn't always the case. While we were on a brief visit to North Bruny Island to try to photograph Forty-spotted Pardalotes, we happened upon the largest flock of Needletails we have ever seen. Just before we reached the lookout at Bull Bay, we noticed something flash by low down, which at first we assumed was some sort of falcon, with the fleeting glimpse we got. We pulled over to investigate, and realised we had seen one of a flock of about 50-70 Needletails! They were very low down, swooping over the tree tops, and out over the bay. In fact, some of the time, we were looking down on the birds. There was a gusty westerly blowing, and so perhaps in the lee of the island there were turbulent air currents stirring up insects. Certainly, when we stopped nearby to search for the pardalotes, (which we saw, but couldn't get a decent photograph) there were huge swarms of insects hovering around just above the tree tops. Perhaps, again, we just happened to be in the right spot at the right time to witness this amazing spectacle. Needless to say, they are extremely difficult to photograph.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Up the Creek

Saturday, March 11, 2006
"You're Sure of a Big Surprise!"

One That (hopefully) Got Away.

John Tongue writes : This Pacific Black Duck, one of the few pure bred duck at the Hobart Botanical Gardens, wasn't really phased about being photographed.
I've heard that Mallards hybridise with a number of species around the World, and they certainly do here in Tasmania. In many places, while there are many 'ducks' present, it can be a bit tricky picking a pure Black Duck or Mallard. And you sure get some wierd and wonderful combinations, with crosses of crosses and so on. I guess it's a bit like most feral problems, there is little that can be done to effectively stem the tide. At least the Mallards are mainly confined to the urban areas.
Thursday, March 09, 2006

A while ago, I blogged a piece on "Dust Baths" and since then I've googled the subject. There seems no end to possible theories why birds do this, but they seem to come under the general headings of, 'Anting', 'Dust Baths' and 'Sunbathing', and often in combination.
A week or so ago, I watched this Satin Flycatcher, sunbathing on a branch for nearly 10 minutes. She faced one way, then the other with wing extended. While this was going on, the male satin was also sunbathing. But unlike the female, he spread both wings, while lying flat on the ground, some distance away. I can't from memory, remember seeing Satins sunbathing before, and rarely see them on the ground. Why do they do it? Well I suggest you 'google' it too, and add your theory to the growing list!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Watcher Watched

Monday, March 06, 2006
Don't be Fooled!

Over the years I've been involved in vetting records of bird sightings and I must confess that I'm basically a sceptic--unless of course they're my sightings! The sightings of Nankeen Kestrels, especially in the South of the state, are always problematic. Many, newer observers, seeing a hovering bird of prey, immediately label it 'Kestrel'. As you see from the accompanying images (shot at Copping), given the right conditions--a strong updraft on the downside of a hill--the Brown Falcon, is an accomplished hoverer.
The series show a 'brown' going into the hover, hovering, collapsing the lift prior to diving, and diving.
In the South, you're more likely to see a Kestrel in the Winter, but do give that hovering bird, a second look.

Sunday, March 05, 2006
Disappearing Act

Saturday, March 04, 2006
A Lofty Question

Or could Scrubtits have been in much drier and more open forest, feeding on the ground? Or were we mistaken with the earlier birds?

Friday, March 03, 2006
Highlights of Last Pelagic Trip
Bill & Els sent in the following info. on the pelagic birding trip from EagleHawk Neck, last weekend. c50 White-chinned Petrel, c5 Buller's Shearwater, 2 Sooty Shearwater, 1 Little Shearwater, c12 Wandering Albatross, 6 Black-browed Albatross, c200 Shy Albatross, c40 Yellow-nosed Albatross, c20 Buller's Albatross, 6 Grey-backed Storm Petrel, 8 White-faced Storm Petrel. Sounds as if it was a good trip, they also added they saw a Marlin. I believe the deep sea fishing is pretty good at the moment.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
The Early Bird Catches....

Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Chance Encounter

Hastily pulling over and grabbing camera, I watched as it neared (this is a comparative term!) and realised there were two. Almost immediately a food pass took place. Missed that as far as photos go. But I managed to take a few, rather poor shots, out of the car window, as they circled higher and further away, as a record of that chance encounter. Disappointed on the one hand that it hadn't happened rather closer to me, but on the other, I felt rather privileged to have watched these two birds, Brown Goshawks,an adult female, the larger, and a juvenile male, I believe, going about the business.

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