The images at right show an adult Kelp Gull in typical pose and another giving a 'greeting' call to its' arriving mate.
While mentioning the Tasmanian Species List, I received an e-mail recently querying 'my' list--I had wondered whether someone might take me to task over it! The truth is that 'my' list is really only a vehicle for accessing the photos from this blog. It isn't by any means a definitive list, and I deliberately relegated the pelagic species to the also rans at the bottom, as I may never get round to photographing them. But it did raise the point about a legitimate list for Tasmanian birders (and visitors). I think it might be something that Birds Tasmania could take on board (they may be in the process of doing so), as they are effectively the record keepers. I would like to see a list on the www. that could be printed out (probably a pdf.) with brief status and a few columns for ticking off species, probably 'back to back' A5 size, to fit in the Field Guides. The Chicago Ornithological Society has an excellent example of what I envisage at www.chicagobirder.org (click the link under 'Featured Links' for checklist). Food for thought?