Tasmania,island state of Australia. Alan Fletcher's occasional blog about the enjoyment of birding in Tasmania.If your interest is images, visit my pbase site (see "links"). All images are copyright owned by their authors. If you wish to use any, please ask E-mail: tassiebirds@iinet.net.au
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Season's Greetings
Merry Christmas To contributors and readers of the 'Birds in Tasmania' blog, I extend seasons greetings. Have a safe and happy festive season.
Alan Fletcher
[Photo: male Satin Flycatcher, taken yesterday at the Risdon Brook Park]
What a great crest it has!
Happy Christmas to you, too, Alan, and thanks for providing this great avenue to celebrate Tassie Birding throughout the last year.
All the best to you too Alan, looking forward to lots more great stuff in the New Year. I believe the fires have gone through my Satin Flycatcher breeding territory in the mountains, may not be able to check either, I heard they are closing the country off until after next winter. Just hope some survived to make the trip back across Bass Strait to Tassie.
What a great crest it has!
Happy Christmas to you, too, Alan, and thanks for providing this great avenue to celebrate Tassie Birding throughout the last year.
Every blessing for this special season.
All the best to you too Alan, looking forward to lots more great stuff in the New Year. I believe the fires have gone through my Satin Flycatcher breeding territory in the mountains, may not be able to check either, I heard they are closing the country off until after next winter. Just hope some survived to make the trip back across Bass Strait to Tassie.
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