Monday, October 22, 2007

Striated Fieldwren "Display"

While watching and photographing a Flame Robin on Goat Bluff recently, I noticed a Striated Fieldwren feeding among the grasses on the edge of the narrow track I was standing on. I stood quite still, and eventually the Fieldwren approached within about two metres of me, pictured top right. Inevitably, it finally noticed my presence, and ran back along the track, giving the display seen in the middle shot. Shortly after, it was joined by another Fieldwren, this one atop a bush, and this bird gave the display shown in the lower shot.
I assume both displays would probably be described as distraction displays, that is, it was given to divert my attention, possibly from a nearby nest or young. Whatever it might best be described as, I show the images here as I suspect it isn't frequently seen by birders (in Striated Fieldwrens), and even less often photographed. You can make your own interpretation of the meaning of these displays!


  1. Anonymous5:05 pm

    Great shots of the Fieldwrens. It certainly looks like some kind of distraction display. We saw one today, atop The Nut, at Stanley. It was singing beautifully, rather than displaying, and was the last bird we saw for our round of The Great Tassie Twitch. We got 93 species, which we thought was not too bad, for a fairly unfamiliar route and area.

  2. Great little bird, great shots.

  3. Thanks for the comments, John and Duncan,but I think they were taken by good fortune rather than any skill on my part. Goat Bluff is proving to be a bit of a "hot spot" at the moment. I have been complaining that I haven't seen any quail here for many years, (they were once common here) and in the last few days, I have seen 2 (a pair?) of Painted Button-quail--a first for this venue, at least for me, and I have been observing here for 40 years! Plus this morning a solitary Brown Quail. Both in 'no go' areas for dogs!!

  4. Anonymous8:55 pm

    The Button-quail are a real find, Alan! (Shirley says she doesn't want to know!). I have had a very fleeting glimpse of a pair near Sister's Beach (a lifetime first for me), but Shirley was walking some metres behind, and missed them. Oh well, next time.
