Friday, November 25, 2005

Risdon Brook Dam

I can't say that I'm a great fan of Risdon Brook Dam reserve. I don't really like "sharing" my birding with runners, power walkers, and mothers with strollers, to name a few. But recently, in the USA, I have seen the merits of "multi use preserves". One benefit is that the birds become used to the presence of humans and are more approachable--well some are. So, on Thursday,25/11, armed with a camera I made a trip to Risdon. A few photos are shown here. My total species list was 36, although conceivably I've missed a few. Although it has a largish body of water, the only water related species I recorded were Hoary-headed Grebe, Black Duck and White-faced Heron. Flame, Scarlet and Dusky Robins were present as were Pallid, Fantailed and Horsfield Bronze Cuckoos. Sulphur crested, Swift Parrot, Green and Eastern Rosellas were also there. A small group of Dusky Woodswallows and the only honeyeaters were Little and Yellow Wattlebirds, Yellow throats and the inevitable Noisy Miners. There was also abundant Yellow rumped Thornbills and more modest numbers of Browns. Large numbers of Welcome swallows, mostly juveniles, were hawking over the water and surrounds.

This White-faced Heron sat on the dam fence and allowed close approach. Well I did have to coax it to get up on the fence! The whole walk took only one and a half hours. Risdon brook Dam is situated near Risdon Vale opposite the prison. It's open from 8.30am to 9.00pm, although this will vary with time of year.

One of a few pipits seen on the western shore of the dam.

One of many swallows around perimeter of lake.

'Bigfoot'--Tasmanian Native Hen rampant!

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