Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Thin pickings

I don't know about anyone else, but the recent days of high wind have been very trying and not very conducive to birding. However, always prepared to give it a try, I sallied forth yet again to Orielton Lagoon, primarily to try to twitch the White-winged Tern. Needless to say, I didn't see it, but I did wander round the sewage ponds and I think that with luck this area could be worth keeping an eye on. Seen there were several Pied Oystercatchers, Chestnut Teal, Black Duck, Wood Duck, Mountain Duck, Black Swan with a cygnet and Hoary-headed Grebes plus large numbers of Native Hen, Skylarks, Pipits, a Brown Hawk, Musk Lorikeets , Galahs and the remains of 2 stint--no idea how they died and obviously long dead.
After recent rain Orielton was a challenge--must be getting old! Did manage to pick up numerous golf balls from the adjacent course--no idea why I collect them. Much the same species were there as outlined in recent blogs, but I did manage to take a few pix, which I've appended.(top to bottom: Red-capped Plover male; White-faced Heron juv.; Red-necked Stint; Pacific Golden Plover)

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