Thursday, February 09, 2006

Kingston Wood Duck

Felix Wilson writes: I had recently noticed Wood Duck at the Kingston Wastewater Treatment site as I passed. As they were on my list of birds to photograph, I decided on a visit. The flock there, consisting of about 20 birds were quite obliging, obviously desensitized to human presence by passing traffic. It's encouraging to see councils establishing areas like this to treat stormwater run-off, rather than just letting it run into the sea.


  1. Anonymous8:29 pm

    I saw a flock of corellas in Kingston last year, at the playground on Browns River, just behind Kingston Beach. I thought they were Long-billed Corellas but of course I didn't have my binocs with me that day so I wasn't sure. My fieldguide says Long-billed are around in the Hamilton-Ouse area. Does anyone know anymore about them? There were about 10-15 or so.

  2. Anonymous9:47 pm

    Hi Mona,
    There is quite a flock of Long-billed Corellas live and breed around Kingston Golf course - though we did see some of them today fly across the Outlet, just to the north of Kingston. There are supposed to be Little Corellas around Kingston, too, though we haven't found them yet. I did think I saw a flock of Little Corellas fly over North Hobart around 2-3 years ago, but didn't have binos, and they were quite high. Have seen Littles often on the mainland, but not positively in Tassie, though I'm assured they are around.
