Felix Wilson sent these nice shots of a Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, photographed in the early morning sun's rays on the Queen's Domain in Hobart, last Thursday. He comments that this was a
lone bird and that he usually expects to see them in flocks and maybe this was an outcast of some sort. He also mentioned that the Domain is a good spot for Eastern Rosellas, pardalotes and the ever present Noisy Miners.
[The bird pictured is most probably an immature female, but I'll stand to be corrected by someone who has more experience with this species. Certainly, I haven't been aware of the large flocks that were around 15 or more years ago,

I've seen the YTBC's numerous times on the Domain, also. Like Felix, I generally think of them as being in flocks - usually 3 to 7 or 8 birds on the Domain, though in much larger flocks in some places. Even when I'v only located a lone bird from a call, i usually find the others feeding quietly somewhere nearby. Maybe Felix is right - this one might have been 'on the outer'.
P.S. Great photos, Felix. The bird let you get really close! I wonder if that's another indication there was something not quite right, as I generally find them pretty wary.
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