Saturday, April 22, 2006

Dam Vigil.

Bill & Els write : While doing some photography on a farm dam North of Richmond (in late March), a couple of Little Grassbirds began to skulk along the edge of the reed beds, followed later by a Dusky Moorhen which also hugged the edge of the reeds. Despite a three hour wait, none of the above ventured anywhere within the range of our lens. Almost having given up hope, there was a flapping and splashing rapidly approaching the hide, which in fact turned out to be a beautiful male Blue-billed Duck. I had no idea this bird was on the small dam as it must have been hiding either in the reed mace or lying low amongst the Triglochin. After a few shots, the bird moved away, suspicious of the shutter noise. The birds' presence, signalled the arrival of several other species of wildfowl, allowing more rather nice images to be obtained. I had wondered whether the presence of a Little Falcon, in the tree above the hide, might have deterred other birds from approaching my hiding place. A very productive day resulted.
(Top to Bottom: Blue-billed, Blue-winged Shoveler and female Chestnut Teal.)

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