Tuesday, May 16, 2006

And The Banksias Have It

As mentioned in an earlier blog, I visited Clifton Beach over the weekend, and more specifically, the Cape Deslacs Reserve. Most of the reserve is coastal heath, with light timber in some areas. At the moment the Banksia marginata is flowering profusely and attracting a range of birds, especially honeyeaters. In an hour or so, I recorded 24 or so species. They included a flock of 9 Yellow Wattlebirds, a solitary Blue-winged Parrot, Golden Whistler and c40 Yellow-tailed Cockatoo. The commonest birds on the banksias are the Crescent and New Holland Honeyeaters and Silvereyes. The accompanying photos were all taken of birds in a single banksia--I was really after the Crescents,
but failed! They show New Holland (top right) & Yellow-throated(bottom right) Honeyeaters and a Silvereye.

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