Friday, June 02, 2006

Heron "Fishing"

Hasn't been a great week for photographing birds, so on Thursday, more out of frustration than anything else, I visited the 'traps' on the Eastern Shore. Peter Willshire mentioned to me sometime back, that he had more pictures of White-faced Herons, than any other species, and after an hour spent watching and photographing this Heron, I can see why--they give you plenty of chances! Taken from the car in a rest area just North of the Bowen Bridge as the tide rose, this bird was obviously used to the vehicles parked close by. It seemed to be catching a fair bit of food, which I assumed was probably small fish. But after looking closely at the images, I found that in all cases, it was eating small crabs. If you click on the small image, you will see for yourself. Also at this spot were a few Pied Oystercatchers, Black-faced, Great and Little-Pied Cormorants, and the inevitable Silver and Kelp Gulls.

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