Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Little Penguin Encounter

Felix Wilson writes: There's life in the Derwent yet! After an encouraging turnout at the "Save Ralph's Bay" meeting in the Town Hall, I wandered around the wharves area for a while, checking out the wildlife. It's not going to be nominated for World Heritage listing, but it's surprising what is around in this area so close to the centre of a capital city. I saw two seals out in the river for a bit, one of them regularly attends the back of the Mako Fish punt, so that wasn't a great surprise.
There were plenty of Black-faced and Little Pied Cormorants about, drying out and preening on the various poles and yachts. Then while I watched some gulls squabbling over scraps of fish, I heard a noise from the water to my left, I looked down to see a Little Penguin in the water. I was too close to get the whole body in the frame, and there was not time to change lenses, so I snapped a couple of quick shots for documentary purposes, before it dived. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:36 am

    I knew Penguins and their rookeries were in the Derwent, but amazing to see them right there at the wharves! Right place, right time, great shot!
