Saturday, December 09, 2006

Gould's et al.

I visited Gould's Lagoon briefly, mid week, and John Tongue has since sent me info. on an excursion he and his wife Shirley made on Thursday, to Kelly's Dam.
Gould's had much reduced numbers of waterfowl, but on the credit side, there were far less ferals! Perhaps they're seeking richer pickings elsewhere. One bird that is very evident at the moment is the Clamorous Reed Warbler. As usual, they're calling loudly from the reed beds, but, if you want to photograph them and are patient, they often 'prop' on the reed stems in front of the public hide, where the accompanying shot was taken. There were small numbers of Chestnut Teal, Shoveller, Black Duck, a pair of Wood Duck, Coot and a pair of Kelp Gulls nesting on the nest box in front of the hide. A pair of Swamp Harriers frequently pass overhead, predicatbly causing some birds to act rather nervously. Still worth a visit, if only for the excellent views of the warblers. John and Shirley Tongue suggest, that in the present dry conditions, waterbirds are seeking refuge on farm dams. During a visit to Kelly's Dam, on the Prosser Rd., near Richmond, they found the water level down, but still fairly good numbers of birds. They included, Musk Duck, Chestnut Teal, Coot, Black Duck, and 14 Hardheads, an uncommon species in Tasmania. Also present, a solitary Dusky Moorhen and a circling White-bellied Sea Eagle, eyeing off the 'smorgasbord'.
Great Tassie Twitch
John Tongue also reminds aspiring Tasmanian Twitchers, that registration for next month's event closes on Dcember 31st. Entries are trickling in, but John urges potential contestants to get their team together and register soon. If you want more info., then e-mail John at or phone him on 62346535.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:51 pm

    Thanks Alan for the 'plug'. Gould's lagoon will probably be on our intinerary for the 'Twitch' to be sure of ticking off Reed Warblers - and maybe Spotless Crakes.
