Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Twitchers & the Twitched.

I visited Orielton Lagoon this morning, with the express purpose of trying out a new lens I've just acquired. New gear testing is always a red letter day, and the eastern side of the lagoon with the tide in, usually holds good numbers of small waders, many that I've blogged before. While talking to a West Australian couple in the area adjacent to the lagoon, a vehicle pulled up and the unmistakable figures of a couple of birders piled out, armed to the teeth with bins and scope. This is a fairly unusual event for me as birders are a bit thin on the ground in Tassie. What's more, I recognised the male of the species as being none other than John Tongue, a regular contributor to this blog (and organiser of the "Twitch"). It might surprise some, that in fact I've never met John before, even though I feel I know he and his wife, Shirley, as we correspond regularly via e-mail. They and their 2 children were on the "Great Tassie Twitch", having travelled down this morning from the East Coast on their quest. I think they managed quite a few more ticks at the lagoon, including the rare bonus of a Royal Spoonbill on Suzie Islet. Pictured here, apart from the Tongue family, are 2 Pacific Golden Plover in flight, and a solitary Red-necked Stint, as well as part of the flock of around 300 Red-necked Stint roosting on the lagoon shore. The lens came up to my expectation too!


  1. Anonymous8:08 pm

    Lovely shots - of the birds - Alan. It was good to finally meet you this morning - and a good (if tiring) time was had by all! Not all worked out as we ahd hoped or planned, but perhaps more on this once the whole event is finished.

    PS - there was a SECOND Royal Spoonbill - without the nuptual plumage, around near the golf course. I wonder if they will be starting to build up in numbers?

  2. Anonymous9:42 pm

    Go on, tell us, what sort of lens did you get?


  3. Hi Murray,
    I have a Sigma 50-500mm lens. So far it seems optically good, but it's not nicknamed the "Bigma" for nothing. I'm thinking of taking up weightlifting, to prepare myself when using it. It also appears likely that I'll have a good while learning the best technique for using it. Not, IMHO, a lens for the beginner!
