Although they can be very vocal and their calls may be heard a kilometre or more away on a still day, they can be surprisingly difficult to locate. Largely occupying the tree canopy and being only around 170mm in length doesn't help and males often call and move and call and move, making it a somewhat fraught business. They are of course proclaiming their territory, and several pairs may occupy adjacent areas, and occasionally disputes break out between males. Mostly this is just a verbal joust, with crest raising and the characteristic tail vibrating and occasionally followed by chasing. So I feel fortunate to occasionally manage a close encounter with these birds and the accompanying images are the result of one of these occasions.

For the next 40 minutes or so, I watched the antics of one, sometimes two, family groups of "satins" as they went about the business of catching insects to feed their offspring. The most surprising events were their fearless defence of the young. I watched as Grey Shrike-thrush and Yellow-throated Honeyeaters were seen off, both of these species themselves, quite pugnacious. Others seen off included Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikes, a Fan-tailed Cuckoo, Black-headed Honeyeaters and Dusky Robins. The male "satin" (below) with an evil look in his eye, (if only looks could kill!) ambushed a shrike-thrush, physically attacking it and chasing it high into the top of a dead gum over 100 metres away.
In between seeing off the interlopers, I watched both males and females catching insects, mostly in mid-air, but occasionally from the woodland floor. The male pictured above with an insect (love to know what insect) at one point dropped it, and the flycatcher showed great agility in recapturing it before it had fallen a metre. Only one bird managed to avoid being seen off, a Shining Bronze-Cuckoo. The flycatcher had passed within a metre or so of it several times without event. Although the cuckoo was only about 20 metres away and straight in front of me, I had failed to notice it until it briefly moved to pluck a hairy caterpillar from a nearby leaf. Perhaps its' cryptic colouring kept it 'safe', or perhaps the flycatcher didn't see it as a threat.

On and off during the last few months I have followed the several pairs that occupy Pilcher's Hill Reserve at Gielston Bay on Hobart's Eastern Shore. My visits have made me painfully aware just how little I know about these flycatchers, and as always, every piece of information gathered leads to even more questions. I had, for example never seen a juvenile (image at right) and didn't realise how rapidly they moult through the various plumage states (I'm still not sure I fully understand this). Do some males arrive in immature plumage--basically the same as female plumage (top left)--and change during the summer to full male state? I photographed two males that were still showing remnants of immature plumage in early January.

Around the Hobart area "Satins" may be found (or at least heard!) in most of the reserves, such as the Waterworks Reserve, lower areas of Mtn. Wellington Park, Risdon Brook Park and the Meehan Range and other areas of similar habitat.
What a great experience you had. I guess they are fairly closely related to Willie Wagtails which don't seem to be afraid to tackle even birds of prey such as Brown Falcons in defence of young and territory!
the intro photo is wonderful; how wonderful to capture these beautiful birds
Hi Alan, thanks for the interesting post and excellent accompanying photos. I have also noticed a growth in the number of Satin Flycatchers, and a depleted number of Flame and Scarlet Robins around my local area.
Great shots Alan. The insect is a mantisfly (a kind of lacewing).
Hi Happy Wanderer,
Yes I've watched Willie Wagtails attacking various quite large birds on the Mainland-- they're only an occasional visitor to our shores. Interestingly, the 'satins' often seem to nest in close proximity to Brown Falcon and Brown Goshawk nests. Not sure whether that's deliberate or just that they both choose similar habitat.
This was the first time I had seen 'satins' attacking anything except their own species.
Hi Carole M & Penny,
Thanks for your comments. I only wish I could adequately describe the excitement of witnessing this type of event. Everything happens so fast it's difficult to know what to point the camera at next!
It will be interesting to see whether the numbers of "Scarlets" locally, bounces back. Here's hoping.
Hi PB,
Thanks for your comments and identifying the insect. It's times like this when I realise I might know a little about birds, but next to nothing about the many items of flora and fauna I encounter. I am learning!
Wow, wonderful blog and beautiful photos! We are impressed!
Greetings from Poland/Michał and Piotr
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