I took the shot of a Dusky Woodswallow nesting on Kingston Golf Course, last Spring. Beautifully camouflaged against the trunk of the tree, it was only that we stopped to look at some Black-headed Honeyeaters "dust bathing" nearby, that we noticed a Woodswallow seem to do a kamikaze dive straight into the tree trunk. When I went searching to see what it was doing, I found it sitting on its nest, pretending not to be there! The nest was concealed behind flaking bark, just about eye height from the ground--pretty low, I think, compared to where they usually seem to nest, and fairly vulnerable to predators, I would think. How does it compare to where others have found woodswallow nests?
They are magnificently marked, and just seem to shout "Spring" and "New Life".....Or am I just wishing the weather would warm up?
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